Thursday, June 5, 2008

Week 4 - Thing #8 - RSS Feeds

Here is my Bloglines account if anyone wishes to share my RSS feeds. I also have linked them to my Blog (on the lower right hand side of the screen). I'm still trying to figure this RSS thing out. I think I will be spending a little more time trying to understand how they work to be able to use them in my curriculum.

As far as libraries go, I think it would be great for kids to be able to see up-to-date news on their computers, especially if their teachers require them to keep a "Current Events" log. However, as one astute librarian commented (click to see her blog), isn't iGoogle already far beyond the RSS feeds era? My iGoogle page is loaded with gadgets that keep me informed of those issues that are important to me. Maybe combining the two forces together would create a powerful tool students can use in their research.


ESC1 said...

I have replaced my Bloglines account with Google Reader because I constantly use Google and iGoogle. Access is so much more convenient.

Stef said...

I agree with esc1. I have done some exploring, and I have found Google Reader easier to navigate.