Thursday, June 5, 2008

Week 3 - Thing #7 - Technology-Related Thoughts

I personally love techonology. I have used it since I was little: Atari games, old-fashioned computers, electric typewriters (I know, I'm dating myself, aren't I? And I'm only 29!). Now, I'm constantly using my digital camera, cell phone, and the internet. What I really enjoy about techonology - especially programs like Flickr, instant messaging platforms, Facebook, MySpace, and Blogger - is the networking capabilities that they allow. I am able to communicate with a new friend in Edinburgh or London with a simple push of a button! I can even see and hear that person if I use my webcam!

While everything has its drawbacks, I believe that techonology, espcecially those programs that have as their goal the removal of communication barriers, is helping to form a global community by bringing us a little closer together.What can be better than that?


RobWortmanPach said...

Our students today have grown up with even more technology than you (or especially me)-as you have mentioned. I wholeheartedly believe that we must reach them using what they are used to, but also empowering them to go beyond their current uses. Some of the pursuits are beneficial to them, others are not. In the classroom, I dream of the day that we as a school class/community take some time to learn and share together using this technology as the powerful tool that it is! I'm leaning towards an online project for next year... the students already put their other creative projects on the web because they want to -why not join them.

teaching digits said...

Andy I really agree with you I honestly think that technology is very important now a day. I use my cell phone all the time and its not just for talking its to texting, checking the weather, my space, and much more it is just so useful. I also can not live without my computer I have to use it atleast once a day, however it was down for a while. Andy your page really looks great.