Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 8 - Thing #18 - Fun with Zoho

Okay, lets see... I am writing this on Zoho writer, and it looks pretty cool. I also opened up Google Docs simultaneously, but I was not as impressed with Google's application as I am with Zoho, which did surprise me. I am going to make this blog entry a I'm going to PLAY!!

cool It's a hot sunny summer over here in Brownsville, TX.

Have you they ever gone to Mexico? undecided

¿Como estás?

Okay, that's enough playing. I'm not sure how this will appear on my blog, but it would be interesting to find out!! So far, this application has proved easy to use. I am now going to tag this and try to export it to my blog.

Technorati Tags ,,

1 comment:

E Saenz said...

I am very much impressed with what you are doing. I played around with Zoho and liked it to. How did you get the accents? I tried writing something in French but could not do it. Did you try to print..I did but failed miserably..I saw you tags..awesome...I do not understand what they are so could not do much with that...I love to see what you have done...without a doubt a person does have to have some knowledge about computers and terminology. I can see you understood much more than I did.